Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just over 2 weeks to go...

Well if read my last post I'm sure it wouldn't surprise you to read that I got fired from my job.  Praise the Lord.  I never thought I would say those words and it's not like me at all but I am so much better off.  That company was a total nightmare to work for and I am a happier, better person not being there anymore.  It's a lot to get into but with everything going on in my personal life, trying to deal with that whole situation would had been catastrophic.  The more and more time goes on, the more and more I realize that God really was looking out for me.  Things will for sure work out for the best.  For the past month, I have still been unbelievably busy planning the wedding, moving my stuff to Brians, combining households, getting my house on the market, job searching, etc, etc.  PLENTY to keep me busy.  I hardly turn on the TV at all.  It's kind of getting to the point where I'm starting to feel a little...I don't know.  Not empty...but just kind of blah about not working.  But trust me, it's a lot better feeling then I had about a month and a half ago.  Anyways....
everything with the wedding is coming along as best as it could be.  My husband to be is doing great.  Working very hard as always.  I know we are both a little (well maybe more then a little) anxious about the changes that are about to take place.  I just can't believe in just two and a half weeks I will have this whole new "life".  It's crazy...but at the same time I can't wait to see what awaits.  That sounds super cheesy I know.  :) 
I vow to write 2 more entries on here before the wedding.  Two weeks from Saturday.